


There are a few basic things you will need in order to get started.

1- Live Internet Connection. This can come from any internet service provider in your area. The faster the speeds they are able to provide you with, the better. However, it’s still possible to view your system remotely with a slower connection such as DSL. Usually the internet service provider will provide you with the option to rent a modem from them unless you have your own available for setup.

Internet Connection

2- Router. A Router is a device which forwards the data between your network connections. This will allow you to connect multiple devices to your single internet connection. Many homes today currently have Wi-Fi Routers that will allow you to connect your devices to your internet wirelessly. You will not need a wireless router to access your DVR remotely, so just about any router will do. Some of the larger router brands are Linksys (Cisco), D-Link, Netgear, Belkin, and even Apple.

3- Ethernet Cables. These are usually sold as CAT5 (Category 5) cables which are used to connect you to the internet. Most DVR’s with the ability to be viewed remotely will come with a network port that you can attach your cat5 cable to. Sometimes the manufacturer will even include a cable with the system but unless you are planning on connecting your DVR near your router, most of the times the cable is too short. Be sure to measure out how many feet of cable you will need before purchasing your system. You will also need one Ethernet cable to connect the modem to the router. Routers usually come with their own short Ethernet cable as well.

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Ethernet Cable

4- DVR with the ability to be remotely viewed. Not all DVRs have the ability to be viewed remotely. Some DVRs are just for recording and will not have the features that allow for you to connect to them through the internet. Make sure the DVR you have is capable of doing so by contacting the manufacturer or checking the manual that came with it.


5- Monitor. For the initial setup, you will need some sort of monitor so that you can connect your DVR and view all of the settings you are configuring. Once these settings are configured, you will no longer need the monitor if you are only going to view the system remotely. Some DVRs have outputs that will also allow you to use a television as a monitor by connecting it using BNC, HDMI, VGA, or even composite RCA connections depending on the devices that you purchase.

1- Make sure that your Modem is connected to the internet. Usually modems will have a series of lights on the front which are status lights to let you know that it’s currently working. All modems are different so many sure you get the information for yours from your service provider or its manual. Getting the model setup and connected is beyond the scope of this article and this step needs to be completed before moving forward.

2- Connect your modem to the internet port on your router. Usually your router will have one port for the internet connection. This port is usually away from the other ports on the back of the router which are for the devices which will be connecting to the internet. Use a cat5 cable for this connection.

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3- Connect your DVR to one of the data ports of your router. Most routers come with at least 4 ports for hardware that will be connecting to the internet. You will also be using a cat5 cable for this connection. For the initial setup, you will not need the long cat5 cable if you are planning on relocating the DVR to a location that’s far away from the router. You may always move the DVR after the initial setup so the cable that came with your DVR should be fine.

4- Connect your DVR to your monitor. This can be done using any of the methods available depending on the type of monitor you are using and DVR outputs available. If you have an HDMI or VGA port on both the DVR and Monitor, one of these are the preferable ones to be used.

– See more at: http://www.securitycameraking.com/securityinfo/how-to-connect-to-your-dvr-over-the-internet/#sthash.bWKIbqMv.dpuf


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