
Olitec Routers Configuration

Olitec Routers Configuration

CPE Details

Default Gateway Username Password admin admin

NOTE: There are ten main menus on the left of the web-based utility. The ten main menus are: Status, Quick Setup, Network, Wireless, DHCP, Forwarding, Security, Static Routing, DDNS and System Tools

 Quick Setup

  1. click the Quick Setup link on the left of the main menu and the Quick Setup screen will appear

Click Next, the Choose WAN Connection Type

Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP (TE Data un * pw)

  • click Next, the Wireless settings page will appear
  • You can enabled or disabled Access Point and  change SSID name, Region , channel and Mode

After finishing all configurations of basic network parameters, please click Finish button to exit this Quick Setup

Wan Configuration

select Network main menu then select  WAN Sub-menu

Wireless Settings 
select Wireless main menu then wireless setting

Restore Default Setting


Status page displays the router’s current status and configuration. you can check the WAN IP from it:

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